Carl Astorri - top global strategist on money and managing wealth. He appears regularly on BBC, Sky and Bloomberg, analysing financial trends and markets.... [more]
Roger Bootle is Chairman of Capital Economics, has served as a Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Treasury Committee and is an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries. He was Group Chief Economist of HSBC.... [more]
Lars Christensen - internationally renowned Danish economist, founder of Markets and Money Advisory and of Market Monetarist. Author of Milton Friedman - a pragmatic revolutionary.... [more]
George Cooper - author of The Origin of Financial Crises and Money, Blood & Revolution. Cooper explains how and why the very 'science of Economics' is wrong.... [more]
Frances Coppola speaker and writer on economics, finance, and monetary policy. Formerly with Nat West, RBS and SBC Warburg, now highly regarded on finance and risk.... [more]
Charles Davis - Global Tax Lead Analyst for Ernst & Young and former Head of Macroeconomics at the Centre for Economics and Business Research. ... [more]
Marie Diron speaker - senior VP at Moody's Investors Service and formerly director of macro forecasting at Oxford Economics and Principal Economist at the European Central Bank.... [more]
Alex Edmans speaker, Professor of Finance at London Business School and MIT Sloan Fulbright Scholar. Expert in corporate and behavioural finance.... [more]
Andrew Goodwin speaker is a senior economist at Oxford Economics, responsible for forecasting and monitoring the UK economy following his work for Experian, ... [more]