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Icelandic politics Speakers

Iceland has a population of 360,000, smaller than many cities in the UK, (Bristol is 460,000). Speakers on the politics and economics of Iceland are few in number but include Árni Páll Árnason, who as Minister for Economic Affairs, restructured the financial sector of the country following the deep financial crisis in Iceland, the effects of which were felt globally. The turnaround of the Icelandic economy has been more rapid than that of many European countries.

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Pall Arnason Profile image

Arni Pall Arnason

Arni Pall Arnason - Iceland Minister of Economic Affairs 2010-11, responsible for co-ordination of IMF plan and a process of restructuring in dealing with unprecedented levels of corporate debt.... [more]

Lars Christensen Profile image

Lars Christensen

Lars Christensen - internationally renowned Danish economist, founder of Markets and Money Advisory and of Market Monetarist. Author of Milton Friedman - a pragmatic revolutionary.... [more]

Lars Hamberg Profile image

Lars Hamberg

Lars Hamberg - frequent speaker on New Thinking and Innovation in Financial Services, AI and Advanced Analytics in Production, Selection, Marketing and Distribution of Wealth Products... [more]

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