Big Data Speakers: keynote and conference speakers on the opportunities and risks of Big Data including the social media giants, GDPR, and the coming revolution in mobile technologies including 5G and facial recognition systems.
Professor Arturo Bris, speaker on financial regulation, insider trading, and A&M legislation plus social mobility and national competitiveness - one of the hundred most read financial academic writers in the world today.... [more]
Alex Edmans speaker, Professor of Finance at London Business School and MIT Sloan Fulbright Scholar. Expert in corporate and behavioural finance.... [more]
Dr Hannah Fry - Associate Professor in the Mathematics of Cities at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at UCL, presenter of 'Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic'... [more]
Lars Hamberg - frequent speaker on New Thinking and Innovation in Financial Services, AI and Advanced Analytics in Production, Selection, Marketing and Distribution of Wealth Products... [more]
Rebecca Harding - leading researcher, economist, co-founder and CEO at Coriolis Technologies. Formerly Chief Economist at the British Bankers Association.... [more]