+44 01455 633 289 (24 hours)
Wolfgang Münchau – speaker on the economies of Europe and considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the eurozone and the wider European economy.
He writes a weekly column on European economic affairs syndicated to El Pais, Corriere della Sera and Handelsblatt. His most recent book, The Meltdown Years : The Unfolding of the Global Economic Crisis, won the prestigious GetAbstract business book award in its original German-language version, Vorbeben. He is the recipient of the 2012 SABEW award for best international columnist. Wolfgang is a co-founder and president of Eurointelligence ASBL. He is also an associate editor of the Financial Times, where he writes a weekly column about European economics.
Wolfgang Münchau is co-founder and director of Eurointelligence. Together with his wife, the economist Susanne Mundschenk, he co-founded Eurointelligence.com to offer information and debate about the economics, finance, industry, energy policy, and politics of the eurozone.The Eurointelligence Daily Morning Newsbriefing is widely considered to be most incisive professional daily information source on the eurozone today.
Wolfgang was a Financial Times columnist from 2003 until 2020 and was co-founder and editor-in-chief of Financial Times Deutschland. Prior to this, he held several posts at a foreign correspondent for the Financial Times and the Times of London.
Wolfgang Munchau holds the degrees from Diplom-Mathematiker (Hagen), Diplom-Betriebswirt (Reutlingen) and an M.A. in International Journalism (City University, London).
Wolfgang is an expert commentator on the issue of sovereign debt and government bonds and on the on-going financial and banking implications of Brexit for both the United Kingdom and the European Union.
Contact Wolfgang Münchau via a Specialist Speakers agent on 01455 633289 for speaking and presentation in both in-person and virtual settings.
For availability, speaking enquiries and fees or to book Wolfgang Munchau contact a Specialist Speakers agent on 01455 633289 or email Specialist Speakers