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Specialist Speakers speaker bureau

+44 01455 633 289 (24 hours)

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Nina Schick


Nina Schick: speaker, author, entrepreneur – global top ten AI speaker – authority on generative AI, on the #deepfake phenomenon and on the political use of misinformation. Contact Nina Schick via a Specialist Speakers agent on +44 [0]1455 633289 or email for speaking and presentation in both in-person and virtual settings.


‘Soon it will be impossible to tell what is real and what is fake’. The implications for society are profound. How will we trust? Who will we trust? Artificial intelligence systems will be able to combine images of a real individual and present images that showing them acting in ways they never acted, and in places they never were. Deep fakes and the weaponisation of data threaten democracy itself with a crisis of misinformation.

Deep Fakes and the Infocalypse by Nina Schick (Octopus Books)In her book Deep Fakes and the Infocalypse: What You Urgently Need To Know [Octopus Books 2020] Nina Schick examines the state of play, identifies the bad guys, and tells us what we need to do to try and prepare and protect ourselves from all pervasive misinformation and all-too-plausible propaganda. As an expert advisor, and speaker, Nina specialises in how tech and AI are reshaping not only domestic democracy but also global geopolitics.

Nina’s practical experience includes her work during the Brexit referendum campaign, and the on-going evolution of Brexit since then. She worked on Emmanuel Macron’s astonishing campaign in 2017, and on the investigation of the allegations of Russian election interference in the US election and around the world since 2016.

During 2018, she advised a group of global leaders including Eileen Donahoe, Executive Director at Stanford University Global Digital Policy Incubator, Joe Biden, now US Presidential Election candidate 2020, and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, 12th Secretary General of NATO, leading research on disinformation via deep fakes.

Nina is a expert political advisor and technical consultant to technology firms, including Dalia Research of Berlin, a business reshaping the global insight industry via the app economy and data science to gather and analyse real-time data on worldwide public opinion. Today Nina speaks on the astonishing acceleration in the development of generative AI – systems such as ChatGPT promising to create ‘original’ content – with dramatic implications for economies and society.

Nina Schick is a significant and trusted contributor to broadcasters including the BBC, Bloomberg, CNN, and Sky. She speaks seven languages including French, German, Spanish and holds degrees from Cambridge and UCL.


For availability, speaking enquiries and fees or to book Nina Schick contact a Specialist Speakers agent on 01455 633289 or email Specialist Speakers

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