+44 01455 633 289 (24 hours)
Jerry Smith OBE specialises in the management of threats from chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) materials. He consults for a variety of sectors including the London insurance industry, national governments, the United Nations and international non-governmental organisations.
Jerry was the Head of Operations for the verification, disablement and initial removal of Syria’s declared chemical weapons’ arsenal. He was a senior advisor to the United Nations as well as negotiating and liaising with key interlocutors including national governments and armed opposition groups. As a Director in the international chemical watchdog, the OPCW, he was in Syria when they were awarded the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize.
With over 25 years’ experience of risk management, resilience and crisis response within the British Army, UK Civil Service and the United Nations, as well as the Private Sector. He has worked in over 40 countries on four continents including Cambodia, Syria, Iraq, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, Peru and India.
Much of his crisis and emergency operational experience has required decisions to be made with insufficient information. Much of his speaking is on how can business and political leaders can approach such situations – Where do they start, how do they prioritise and how is success measured?
Jerry holds a MBA and BEng (Hons) from Cardiff University, a post-graduate diploma in Weapon Effects on Structures and is a member of the Institute of Explosive Engineers. He is a visiting fellow of Cranfield University and has been an author, interviewee and consultant for BBC, CNN and SKY as well as the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian and the Lancet. In 2015 he was awarded an OBE for services to international arms control and WMD counter-proliferation.
Topics include:
WMD / International affairs:
• Chemical Weapons, a new norm?
• Threats from WMD terrorism.
• Disarming Syria of its chemical weapons.
Business Lessons:
• Crisis Management in an information vacuum.
• The ‘Highs’ of a Crisis: High Speed, High Profile, High Expectation, High Scrutiny and High Stress.
• International cooperation in the 21st Century: getting the least-worst outcome within a defective system in an imperfect world.
Specialist Interest:
• A brief history of Chemical weapons.
• A brief history of WMD.
• An idiot’s guide to modern weapons: Do you know your smart bomb from your VBIED? Who is winning if $1m missiles are being used against $1000 trucks? Are we in the middle of a cyber war?
Jerry Smith is a Specialist Speakers exclusive speaker.
For availability, speaking enquiries and fees or to book Jerry Smith contact a Specialist Speakers agent on 01455 633289 or email Specialist Speakers