The leading Speaker Bureau for keynote & motivational speakers in business, politics, economy & management

+44 (0)1455 633 289 (24 hours)

Specialist Speakers speaker bureau

+44 01455 633 289 (24 hours)

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Sustainability Speakers

Speakers on the subject of sustainability, sustainable living, sustainable development, and the circular economy.

call: +44 (0)1455 633 289 for US, UK, EMEA and worldwide
Gabrielle Walker Profile image

Gabrielle Walker

Gabrielle Walker speaker, is an expert strategist helping businesses to address global challenges of sustainability, energy (oil and gas, utilities and renewables), mobility, finance, agriculture/land-use and climate change.... [more]

Jonathon Porritt Profile image

Jonathon Porritt

Jonathon Porritt - dedicated to the environment since 1974, former Director of Friends of the Earth and the UK Sustainable Development Commission.... [more]

Matt Littlejohn Profile image

Matt Littlejohn

Matt Littlejohn - speaker on oceans, plastics, and the protection and restoration of our marine environment.... [more]

Adrian Hayes Profile image

Adrian Hayes

Adrian Hayes is an adventurer, author, keynote speaker, leadership and team consultant and coach, television documentary presenter and sustainability campaigner.... [more]

Judith Batchelar Profile image

Judith Batchelar

Speaker on food sustainability, resilient supply chains & leadership in a time of change.... [more]

Sarah Begum Profile image

Sarah Begum

Sarah Begum is an investigative, anthropological journalist inspired to travel the world and highlight the plight of those without a voice.... [more]

James Bellini Profile image

Dr James Bellini

James Bellini - renowned futurist, analyst, broadcaster, regular consultant to business and governments and an expert in the future outlook for business... [more]

Vasquez Espinoza Profile image

Rosa Vasquez Espinoza

Adventurer and environmental speaker Dr Rosa Vasquez Espinoza, chemical biologist, conservationist, National Geographic explorer and artist.... [more]

Jo Fairley Profile image

Jo Fairley

Jo Fairley - founded the pioneering organic chocolate company Green & Black's and Judges Bakery.... [more]

Ranulph Fiennes Profile image

Ranulph Fiennes

Sir Ranulph Fiennes - motivational speaker popular with both UK and European audiences, Sir Ranulph shows how the qualities of the explorer can be applied to achieve success in the business world.... [more]

Mark Gallagher Profile image

Mark Gallagher

Mark Gallagher is ranked in the top five most inspiring management speakers today, renowned in F1 for his dynamic and innovative management style.... [more]

Andrew Garner Profile image

Andrew Garner

Andrew Garner has helped a generation of leaders navigate through the turbulence that erupts when their established industry maps and models no longer work. ... [more]

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+44 (0)1455 633 289
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