Customer service speakers – conference and keynote speakers on customer service, CRM – customer service management and technique, and today’s best practice. Call us and try out our customer service.
Kate Ancketill - with enormous shifts in consumer expectations, retail and technology, Kate Ancketill shows businesses how to adapt, innovate and where to best invest resources. ... [more]
Mark Borkowski is a renowned PR guru, master media manipulator and publicist. An authority on comms, innovation, brand and the multi channel landscape.... [more]
Geoff Burch is the original and best alternative business Guru. His image and humour have secured him platforms on both the corporate and stand-up comedy stage. Having delighted audiences in over forty countries for nearly twenty years, Geoff is one of the most renowned and prolific speakers to management and... [more]
Jan Carlzon has earned a reputation, over 25 years, as a market oriented innovator, a turn-around specialist who has returned three companies to profitability and a business speaker whose philosophies on strategic leadership and staff motivation have been initiated world-wide.
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Tony Conigliaro - 'The UK's pre-eminent bartender' - excellence in flavour and in customer service. Heston Blumenthal calls him 'revolutionary'. ... [more]
BJ Cunningham speaker on business and creative marketing. He is a successful entrepreneur, charismatic business speaker and leader in the field of branding, brand marketing, and communications.... [more]
Mark Earls - an adman who has run advertising agencies both large and small. A speaker whose award-winning work applies contemporary behavioural and cognitive science to the business of business.... [more]