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Specialist Speakers speaker bureau

+44 01455 633 289 (24 hours)

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Environmental Risk Speakers

Environmental risk speakers: it’s part of our complex interdependent world: dangers to our air, water, our ecology, our lives. The prevention and mitigation of environmental risk is a vital part of business today, as important to the insurance sector and government as it is to manufacturers.

call: +44 (0)1455 633 289 for US, UK, EMEA and worldwide
James Delingpole Profile image

James Delingpole

James Delingpole says in a loud voice plenty of the things sloshing around in your head that you hitherto have left unsaid. He makes you laugh, and he makes you think. You'll feel free again.... [more]

Vasquez Espinoza Profile image

Rosa Vasquez Espinoza

Adventurer and environmental speaker Dr Rosa Vasquez Espinoza, chemical biologist, conservationist, National Geographic explorer and artist.... [more]

Hannah Fry Profile image

Hannah Fry

Dr Hannah Fry - Associate Professor in the Mathematics of Cities at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at UCL, presenter of 'Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic'... [more]

Martha Kearney Profile image

Martha Kearney

Martha Kearney presents BBC Radio 4's early morning Today and is now one of the corporation's most respected political journalists.... [more]

Matt Littlejohn Profile image

Matt Littlejohn

Matt Littlejohn - speaker on oceans, plastics, and the protection and restoration of our marine environment.... [more]

George Monbiot Profile image

George Monbiot

George Monbiot - speaker, climate change campaigner, author, travel writer, Guardian columnist, and well-known environmentalist and political activist.... [more]

Simon Parker Profile image

Simon Parker

Simon Parker - foreign correspondent, newspaper columnist and travel writer who reports from over thirty countries a year for the BBC, The Telegraph and The Independent.... [more]

Jonathon Porritt Profile image

Jonathon Porritt

Jonathon Porritt - dedicated to the environment since 1974, former Director of Friends of the Earth and the UK Sustainable Development Commission.... [more]

Ayo Sokale Profile image

Ayo Sokale

AyoSokale - civil engineer, BBC presenter, motivational speaker on sustainability, STEM and neurodiversity.... [more]

Nicholas Stern Profile image

Nicholas Stern

Lord Nicholas Stern is former chief economic advisor to the UK government he was also the chief economist and Senior Vice-President of the World Bank from 2000 to 2003. He is a respected speaker on issues of the economy, climate change and Europe.... [more]

Marcel Steward Profile image

Dr Marcel Steward

Dr Marcel Steward environmental consultant and speaker is one of the first specialist environmental insurance brokers in Europe.... [more]

Gabrielle Walker Profile image

Gabrielle Walker

Gabrielle Walker speaker, is an expert strategist helping businesses to address global challenges of sustainability, energy (oil and gas, utilities and renewables), mobility, finance, agriculture/land-use and climate change.... [more]

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+44 (0)1455 633 289
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